Optimieren Sie Ihre Intuition durch Selbstreflexion.

Using the power of intuition in everyday life

Consciously perceive and integrate

Consciously perceiving and integrating your intuition into your everyday life is an important step towards a fulfilled and self-determined life. Because intuition is more than just a gut feeling - it is the direct connection to our inner wisdom and our deepest knowledge.

Emotional intelligence as key

Intuitions cannot be perceived with rational intelligence, but only with emotional intelligence. Therefore, it is important that you train your self-awareness and consciously pay attention to your feelings and sensations.

In moments of uncertainty

Many people only experience their intuition in life situations that the mind cannot understand or interpret. In these situations, our rational actions are often blocked and replaced by the so-called “brainwave”. These are subtle mental impulses that usually enable solution-oriented actions.

Your own voice as a guide

For an intuitive, controlled process, it is necessary to perceive and interpret one's own subtle thought impulses. Just by the vibration of our voice we can perceive whether, for example, what is being said is true or not, or whether we can realize our plans or ideas.

Training emotional intelligence

Through conscious training, we have the opportunity to recognize our emotional intelligence and use it in a controlled way to achieve our life goals. This gives you the opportunity to make the right decisions in the present and to anticipate future events.

Go into silence

In order to sense and develop this ability, it is important to be silent. Only in silence can you correctly interpret your emotions, thoughts and impulses. Even with everyday things like consciously eating and drinking, feeling and thinking, you learn to consciously listen to yourself.

Making decisions with your voice

Pay attention to your pronunciation when you make a decision, for example by saying "yes" or "no". Why? Because a correct "yes" or "no" sounds different than an incorrect "yes" or "no". You cannot understand this difference rationally, but only emotionally. And this is only possible through intensive perception training.

Inner security and wisdom

Only when you have consciously made the right decisions in your everyday life through the vibration of your voice will you gain the inner security through routine to correctly interpret the wisdom of your subconscious and achieve your life goals.

Author: Paul Röhrig

Website: www.coaching-roehrig.de


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